Vera currently is not directly compatible to Water Sensor 6, in this case, you can manually add in compatibility and have it display water detection over your interface. This guide is an additional guide to the Water Sensor 6 user guide.

Follow the below steps to add compatibility to your Water Sensor 6. This will need to be done to all new Water Sensor 6 added into your network.

1. Pair Water Sensor 6 to your Vera gateway

2. Ensure 4 nodes load up, it should be

[Name of Sensor given by you, in my case it is called "Water Sensor 6"] - Main Node

[_Generic IO] - Child Node

[_Generic IO] - Child Node

[_Temperature Sensor] - Temperature sensor in device.

3. Select the arrow on your named device ["Water Sensor 6" in my example]

4. Click on "Advanced"

5. On the new page, make these changes:

device_file: D_FloodSensor1.xml
device_json: D_FloodSensor1.json
category_num: 4
subcategory_num: 2
device_type: urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:FloodSensor:1

6. Go to Settings -> Z-Wave Settings, then "Advanced" tab.

7. Click on "GO" next to Reload Engine, wait for Vera to show a popup confirmation then press OK to close it.

8. Close up your browser, then re-open your browser then go to and log back in.

9. Your Water Sensor 6 should look like the image below (I edited out the Generic IO nodes to bring focus to the main devices you would pay attention to below).

10. Now test Water Sensor 6 by placing it into water, if triggered, the waves on the icon should turn "RED" color like the image below.