NOTES - Windows 10 already has this driver installed or may automatically install, you can find the UZB appear as soon as the Z-Stick Gen5 is connected to your PC. You can check this under "Device Manager" under "Ports (COM & LPT)
You may find the drivers for the Z-Stick Gen5 downloadable here (or at the bottom of this article): Z-Stick Gen5 UZB Drivers
You will only need to install these drivers on Windows OS machines.
Method 1 (Only works on Windows 8 or 10):
Right click on the .INF file in the Z-Stick Gen5 drivers, and in the popup menu, click on INSTALL.
1) Unzip the downloaded file (download it here: Z-Stick Gen5 UZB Drivers )
2) Right click on UZB.INF
3) Click on INSTALL
Method 2 (Can be used on any Windows OS):There is an alternative way to install the inf file. Please follow the steps below
1) First open up "Device Manager" in Windows
2) Look for "Ports (COM & LPT)" (Usually the Z-Stick will appear here if the drivers are installed properly).
"Other Devices" (It will appear under Other Devices when the device is not detected properly)
3) The Z-Stick Gen5 should appear as an "Unknown Device"
4) Right Click on "Unknown Device" then click on "Update Driver Software"
5) On the new popup window, click on " Browse my Computer for driver software"
6) look for .inf file.
7) If installed properly, it should appear as the image below as a UZB device under "Ports (COM & LPT)" (The COM number will change depending on the USB it is plugged into)
Method 3 (Can be used on any Windows OS):
1) Right click "My Computer"
2) Click on "Manage"
3) Click on "Device Manager"
4) Expand "Other Devices"
5) Right click on the "Unknown device"

6) Select "Update Driver Software"
7) Select "Browse my computer for driver software"
8) Select "Let me pick a list of device drivers on my computer"
9) look for .inf file.
10) If installed properly, it should appear as the image below as a UZB device under "Ports (COM & LPT)" (The COM number will change depending on the USB it is plugged into)
Troubleshooting 1 - A Service Installation Section in this INF is Invalid:
If you are still receiving error messages that the INF cannot be installed, or the service installation section in this INF is invalid, you must disable driver signature enforcement on Windows.