To get the most out of Multisensor 6(ZW100) with SmartThings, it's recommended that a custom device handler is used. Custom device handlers are code that allow the SmartThings Hub to maximise features of attached Z-Wave devices, including Multisensor 6. 

This page forms part of the larger Multisensor 6 user guide.Follow that link to read the full guide.

Recommended Multisensor 6 Github code (by Erocm1231)

Direct code:

Steps of Installing Device Handler:

  1. Login to Web IDE and click on the "My Device Types" link on the top menu (login here:
  2. Click on "Locations"
  3. Select your SmartThings Home Automation gateway that you want to put the device handler in
  4. Select tab "My Device Handlers"
  5. Create a new Device Handler by  clicking on "New Device Handler" button in the upper-right  corner.
  6. Click on "From Code."
  7. Copy Erocm1231 code from Github, and paste it into the code section. (
  8. Click on "Save", then wait for the spinning wheel to disappear before continuing.
  9. Click on "Publish" -> "Publish for me"
  10. Install it on your Multisensor 6 by going to "My Devices" page in the IDE
  11. Find your Multisensor 6.
  12. Go to the bottom of the page for the current Multisensor 6 and click on "Edit."
  13. Find the "Type" field and select your device handler. (should be located at the bottom of the list as Aeo Multisensor 6 (Advanced)).
  14. Click on "Update"
  15. Save Changes

Alternative Multisensor 6 Github code


  • If you have any issues where Multisensor 6 is not appearing in SmartThings hub but you can confirm that Multisensor 6 successfully paired (Flashing LED becomes solid green or blue LED for 2 seconds before becoming inactive):

    Remove the "fingerprint lines" between Line 47 - Line 52 from code before saving it. SmartThings has an issue auto-detecting custom device handlers sometimes.

    You may need to remove these, allow Multisensor 6 to join with their default device handler, and manually change the device handler using Steps 11-15 in the device handler installation steps.

    Screenshot of all code needed to be removed below: