If by some reason that your Z-Stick Gen5 cannot include any device via push button method or through software, please follow the instructions below:

1) Download the Zensys tool which is a debug software that is Windows Exclusive (unfortunately OSX or Linux will not work with this program), you can find the software here: https://aeotec.freshdesk.com/helpdesk/attachments/6091420613

2) Close all programs that are linked to the Z-Stick Gen5

3) Open up the Zensys Tool program

4) On the toolbar at the top, go to Categories -> Settings

5) Select the Z-Stick Gen5 which should be labeled as UZB (COMX) where X is a number and click on "Apply"

6) Now click on "Set as SUC" which is under the 6th icon from the right with NodeID = 1 highlighted.

7) Now close the program and test the inclusion function again.

You may also try utilizing PC Controller 5 which you can find how to download that here: https://aeotec.freshdesk.com/a/solutions/articles/6000226205