If you are having issues triggering the Siren Gen5, or if it is show as a generic device, we advise using a custom device handler Smart Alarm, a custom device handler by krlaframboise.
Custom Device handler by krlaframboise SmartThings forum: https://community.smartthings.com/t/release-aeon-labs-multifunction-siren/40652?u=krlaframboise
Direct Github link can be found here: https://github.com/krlaframboise/SmartThings/blob/master/devicetypes/krlaframboise/aeon-labs-multifunction-siren.src/aeon-labs-multifunction-siren.groovy
Find the Github code, and copy all of the device handler code (all of it), then follow the instructions below to install the custom device handler:
- Login to Web IDE and click on the "My Device Types" link on the top menu (login here: https://graph.api.smartthings.com/)
Click on "my location"
- Click on the name of your SmartThings hub to select the location that you are in
- Click on "My Device Handlers"
- Create a new Device Handler by clicking on "+ Create a new Device Handler" button in the upper-right corner.
- Click on "From Code."
- Copy statusbits code from Github, and paste it into the code section.
- Install it on your Siren Gen5 by going to "My Devices" page in the IDE
- Find your Siren Gen5.
- Go to the bottom of the page for the current Siren Gen5 and click on "Edit."
- Find the "Type" field and select your device handler. (should be located at the bottom of the list as 'Smart Alarm').
- Click on "Update"
- Save Changes