For users using SmartThings Hub, LED Strip may require custom device type to fully support all functions in SmartThings hub.
We have modified the LED Bulb default device handler to have improved uses with LED Strip.
Download / Raw code:
Follow the steps below:
- Login to Web IDE (login here:
- Click on "My Locations" tab
- Select your Z-Wave Gateway
- Now click on "My Device Handlers" tab
- Create a new Device Handler by clicking on "New Device Handler" button in the upper-right corner.
- Click on "From Code."
- Open up the link under "Direct Code" above
- Copy the device handler code from, and paste it into the code section. (pro tip: click on the code then press (ctrl + a) to highlight everything then (ctrl + c) to copy the highlighted section. Go to the code section in your SmartThings IDE and click on the code area then press (ctrl + v) to paste the copied code).
- Install it on your LED Strip by going to "My Devices" page in the IDE
- Find your LED Strip.
- Go to the bottom of the page for the current LED Strip and click on "Edit."
- Find the "Type" field and select your device handler. (should be located at the bottom of the list as Aeotec LED Strip (Improved)).
- Click on "Update"
- Save Changes