This goes through the inclusion and modification process required for LED Bulb 6 to allow color control from your Vera UI7 gateway and form part of the larger LED Bulb 6 Multi-White and LED Bulb 6 Multi-Color.

Please follow the steps below in order to use LED Bulb 6 to its full potential in your Vera UI7 gateway.

1) Login to your Vera gateway (

2) Go to the "Devices" Tab on the left side menu

3) Click on "Add Devices"

4) Select "Generic Device" near the bottom of the listed device types.

5) Now click "Next" until Vera is waiting to pair a device (on Step 3 of the Vera interface). 

Now wait until a blue boarder notification appears that states "Add/Remove : Add new devices now...":

6) Turn your LED Bulb 6 off for 2 seconds, then turn it back ON.

7) Wait for your Vera gateway to finish configuring LED Bulb 6

8) Go back to your "Devices" page and look for your LED strip that you have named.

9) Click on the arrow next to the LED Bulb 6 (below is an example image using LED Strip).

10) Select "Advanced" in the LED Strip menu

11) You will need to change 2 parts, please input these into the Params page to change the device type as a RGB dimmable device.

Set "device_type"  to D_DimmableRGBLight2.xml

Set "device_json"  to D_DimmableRGBLight2.json

12) Now save the settings, and click on "Commands"

13) Click on "Configure node right now"

14) If your LED Strip disappeared, click on "Settings" on the left hand side menu.

15) Then click on "Z-Wave Settings"

16) Click on "Reload Engine"

17) Now refresh your browser and re-log back into your Vera gateway, now you should have full control over Color and its Cool and Warm White LEDs.


Controlling RGB colors.

Typically with Vera, there isn't an off button, but you must click on the very left hand side of the sliders to disable the Warm/Cold White for both sliders, then once the white colors are set to 0%, then you can activate the color commands.

I find the method on Vera a little bit hard to manage. Its the method of having to control the white colors first before color often makes this difficult.

For LED Bulb 6 control there are certain priorities that you must take into account:

Cold White and then Warm White take priority, if these are enabled or at 1% or more, then you cannot control RGB.

RGB control requires Warm or Cold white to be disabled or set to 0% intensity before RGB can be controlled.

So these are some steps I recommend:

  1. Set Warm White to 0% by clickng on the very left hand side of the orange slider
  2. Set Cold White to 0% by clicking on the very left hand side of the blue slider
  3. Ensure that warm and cold white are not showing at all.
  4. Ensure that the general intensity level of the LED strip is set to maximum (just not the warm or cold white colors).
  5. Select a color that you want LED Strip to turn on to.
  6. If it doesn't change, I suggest setting Warm White and Cold White to 50% roughly, then try steps 1 - 5 again.

There not really an easier way to do this, but it also may be possible to program a LUUP code to force a setting instead into color as another method.