This page goes over the method to pairing NanoMote Quad to SmartThings hub, creating automation, and forms part of the larger NanoMote Quad user guide.  

SmartThings Connect - How to pair.

We highly recommend using the generic default method of pairing Z-Wave devices in SmartThings hub. Follow the below steps to pairing your NanoMote Quad.

When pairing, keep NanoMote Quad within 10 ft direct line of sight within your SmartThinbs hub for the highest success chance of success.

1. Open up SmartThings Connect

2. Select "+" located at the top right hand corner.

3. Select "Device"

4. Select "Scan nearby" located at the top right side of the page.

5. Ensure that the LED on SmartThings hub is blinking.

6. Tap the button on NanoMote Quad (any button) to pair it. If successful the LED will become solid white-blue color and flash a green LED after a few seconds to finalize pairing.

You can check if SmartThings has paired your NanoMote correctly by following these steps:

1. Open SmartThings IDE in your browser: 

2. Login to your SmartThings account (or Samsung account)

3. Click on "My Location"

4. Click on your SmartThings name, it could be named as "Home" or "SmartThings hub"

5. Go to "My Devices"

6. Find your NanoMote, and click on its name to access its page.

Refer to the image below and make sure that the values below are the same as yours, these should be mostly matching:


"Raw Description"

"Child Devices"

SmartThings Connect - Automation.

If you re-include your NanoMote using SmartThings Connect, you should be able to program scenes through the page "Automation".

1. Open SmartThings Connect.

2. Click on the 3-lines icon (located top left corner).

3. Select "Automatons".

4. Select "+ Add automation".

5. Select "+" button.

6. Select "Device Status".

7. Select "Aeotec NanoMote Quad" (or however you have named your NanoMote).

8. Select the button that you want to program.

9. Then select  either "Pressed" (when you tap a button) or "Held" (when you press and hold a button).

10. Click on "Save".

11. Then select "Next" at the bottom right hand corner then determine the action that should happen when you press or hold that button.

Group Association - Direct control of Z-Wave devices.

Notes - Using the below device handler, you have a few options for control using the below SmartApps:

  • Direct control of Z-Wave devices
  • Bypass SmartThings hub

The Device Handler option above provides you a method to bypass SmartThings and allow you to directly control your Z-Wave Switches and Dimmers for faster control.

Requirements for this to work.

  • Make sure that the Security level of NanoMote and the Z-Wave Device are the same. Otherwise they will not be able to communicate.
    • Will work
      • NanoMote uses S0_Legacy security level
      • Z-Wave Switch uses S0_Legacy security level
    • Will not work
      • NanoMote uses S0_Legacy security level
      • Z-Wave Switch uses no security or S2_Security
  • Must be a Z-Wave device.

The steps to install Z-Wave Tweaker (You only need to do this once, if already installed, skip this section):

  1. Login to your SmartThings IDE
  2. Click on Locations and then select your gateway
  3. Select "My Device Handlers" then click on "Add new Device Handler"
  4. Select "From Code"
  5. Go into the Z-Wave Tweaker Code, and copy all of the code from line 0 to the very last line. (can be found here directly:
  6. PRO TIP - Click on the "Raw" button which exposes only code, then ctrl + a (highlight all), then ctrl + c (copy highlighted).
  7. Paste this into your SmartThings IDE.
  8. Save the code.
  9. Then click on Publish -> "Publish for me"

Now install Z-Wave Tweaker over NanoMote:

  1. Click on "My Devices"
  2. Look for your NanoMote and click on it
  3. Scroll to the bottom then click "Edit"
  4. Find "Type" and bring out the drop down menu
  5. First make note of the original device handler that you were using (you will need to revert back to the original device handler later)
  6. Find "Z-Wave Tweaker" and select it
  7. click on Save

Using Z-Wave Tweaker to Set a GROUP ASSOCATION


  1. Plug the NanoMote to USB power to keep the NanoMote awake to allow easier communication near your SmartThings hub.
  2. Go into your SmartThings App over your Smartphone
  3. Find the NanoMote and open up its page, you'll notice that everything is incredibly different. Please make note of the GREEN "Sync" symbol at the bottom.
  4. On the top right, click on the GEAR icon
  5. Scroll down and look for the "CONFIGURE ASSOCIATION GROUP" section, there are multiple parts in this section (Association Group ID, Association Group Members, Command Class)
  6. On "Association Group ID" set this to the group ID you want to program

    For step 5 on setting Association Group ID, this is the grid list of what can be set over NanoMote:

    Group Association #FunctionButton #Press Function
    2Toggle On/Off1 (top left)Tap
    3Toggle last dim level / Off
    Dim up/down
    1 (top left)Tap
    Press and hold
    4Toggle On/Off2 (top right)Tap
    5Toggle last dim level / Off
    Dim up/down
    2 (top right)Tap
    Press and hold
    6Toggle On/Off3 (bottom left)Tap
    7Toggle last dim level / Off
    Dim up/down
    3 (bottom left)Tap
    Press and hold
    8Toggle On/Off4 (bottom right)Tap
    9Toggle last dim level / Off
    Dim up/down
    4 (bottom right)Tap
    Press and hold

  7. On "Association Group Members" set this to the Device Network ID (which can be found under SmartThings IDE -> My Devices)

    Image below is where you can find the Device Network ID (under SmartThings IDE):

    Input into SmartThings App (in belows example, we want to control backyard lights which has Device Network Id of 15 with button 1 and allow us to dim using Group #3):

  8. On "Command Class" set this to "Auto-detect"
  9. Now click on "Done" located on the top right.
  10. From step 2 you made note of the GREEN "Sync" symbol, if the color is ORANGE "Unsynced" then you will need to wait for this to change to GREEN "Sync" before moving onto the next section.
  11. Your NanoMote is a battery device, Wake up the battery device now to take in the new changes. To do this, press and hold the Action Button located on the back of NanoMote until the NanoMote turns red/orange, then release the Action Button. (The Yellow LED should be flashing rapidly during this time).
  12. If you see GREEN "Sync" at the bottom of the device page, you are now done with this section.
  13. Tap the Action Button of NanoMote to bring NanoMote out of its awake state, and its yellow LED should stop flashing.

Now install the original device handler over NanoMote (using SmartThings IDE):

  1. Click on "My Devices"
  2. Look for your NanoMote and click on it
  3. Scroll to the bottom then click "Edit"
  4. Find "Type" and bring out the drop down menu
  5. Find the original device handler and select it
  6. click on Save