Popp Smart Outdoor Plug.

Popp Smart Outdoor Plug was developed to control outdoor lighting or devices with Z-Wave. It is powered by Popp Z-Wave technology.
Before purchasing make sure to contact your Z-Wave Gateway/Controller manufacturer to determine if this device is compatible, typically most Z-Wave gateways will be generically compatible to Switch type devices. The technical specifications of Smart Outdoor Plug can be viewed at that link.
Familiarize yourself with your Smart Outdoor Plug.
Smart Outdoor Plug is a weather resistant device rated at IP44 for very humid and dry environments. This device can utilize applications up to 3500W in power for most plugin appliances.
Quick start.
Getting your Smart Outdoor Plug up and running is as simple as plugging it into a wall socket and linking it to your Z-Wave network. The following instructions tell you how to add your Smart Outdoor Plug to your Z-Wave network using an existing gateway.
Using an existing gateway:
1. Place your gateway or controller into Z-Wave pair or inclusion mode. (Please refer to your controller/gateway manual on how to do this)
2. Press the LED Indicator ON/OFF Button on your Switch 3x times within 1 second.
3. Your gateway should confirm if Smart Outdoor Plug is successfully included into your network.
LED Indicator Status.
By default, this LED is controlled by Smart Outdoor Plug status. The reaction is configurable via Parameter 21 and Parameter 22. The LED is designed to give you a clear indication of the Switches status.
Default LED Usage:
- When Switch is in an OFF state, the LED will remain OFF.
- When Switch is in an ON state, the LED will light up GREEN.
Product Usage.
The device is able to switch electric loads up to 3500 W and can be switched wirelessly or using the local button. This switch can report Voltage, Current, or Power reports.
Wireless Operation via Z-Wave.
The local control of your Smart Outdoor Plug can be controlled by most Z-Wave gateways. Your Z-Wave gateway/controller will need to support this switch at least generically (support for generic switches).
This device should show up as an ON/OFF device in your Z-Wave gateways interface.
Local Operation.
The local button allows you to control the switch manually. A short press on the button toggles the switch ON or OFF.
Energy Reporting.
Your Z-Wave gateway must support the Meter Command Class in order to view Voltage, Current, or Power (Watt) reports from Smart Outdoor Plug. If your gateway does not support the Meter Command Class in Z-Wave, you will not be able to see these reports.
Reports can be configured by utilizing Parameter 23 - 25 but your gateway must support the Configuration Command Class.
Advanced functions.
Removing your Smart Outdoor Plug from a Z-Wave network.
Your Smart Outdoor Plug can be removed from your Z-Wave network at any time.You’ll need to use a Z-Wave primary controller to do this and the following instructions which will tell you how to do this using your existing Z-Wave Network.
This method can be used with any Primary Z-Wave Controller even if it is not directly paired to Smart Outdoor Plug.
Using an existing gateway:
1. Place your gateway or controller into Z-Wave unpair or exclusion mode. (Please refer to your controller/gateway manual on how to do this)
2. Press the LED Indicator ON/OFF Button on your Switch 3x times within 1 second.
3. Your gateway should confirm if Smart Outdoor Plug is successfully excluded from your network.
Reset your Smart Outdoor Plug
This device also allows being reset without any involvement of a Z-Wave controller. This procedure should only be used when the primary controller is inoperable.
Push and hold the button for 10 seconds. After 5 seconds the LED on the button will blink fast.
Association Groups.
Group Association is a specific function in Z-Wave that allows you to tell Smart Outdoor Plug who it can speak to. Some devices may only have 1 group association meant for the gateway, or multiple group associations that can be used for specific events. This type of function isn't used too often, but when it is available, you may be able to use it to directly communicate to Z-Wave devices instead of controlling a scene within a gateway which can have unforeseen delays.
Some gateways have the ability to set Group Associations to devices that have these special events and functions. Typically this is used to allow your gateway to update the status of Smart Outdoor Plug instantly.
By default, your primary gateway should have been associated to Smart Outdoor Plug automatically during the pairing of your Switch. For any case you have a Secondary Z-Wave Controller, you'll need to associate it to your Smart Outdoor Plug in order for your secondary controller to update its status.
Group Number | Maximum Nodes | Description |
1 | 5 | Send Reports on Switch state change |
2 | 5 | Control other Z-Wave Switches or Dimmers ON/OFF depending on the switch state |
Parameter 1: LED Operation Mode
Defines when the LED shall shine and how
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 1
Setting | Description |
0 | LED off, only blinks on traffic |
1 | Defined by Parameter 21 and 22 |
Parameter 2: Auto Off
Defines if and after which time the device shall turn off without any user interaction
Size: 2 Byte, Default Value: 0
Setting | Description |
0 | no auto off |
1 - 65535 | seconds |
Parameter 3: Switching behavior when receiving wireless OFF
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0
Setting | Description |
0 | Switches off |
1 | Ignores Off command |
2 | Switches on |
3 | Switches on, when receiving off command and current state is off |
Parameter 4: Button Mode
This parameter defines if the local button shall control (switch) the load or it is only used to send out scene control commands to the central controller.
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0
Setting | Description |
0 | Controls Load + Controls Scenes |
1 | Scene Control Only |
Parameter 5: Status after Power Failure
Defines the switching status after a power failure or unplugging
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 1
Setting | Description |
0 | Always off |
1 | Return to last switching state |
Parameter 21: LED Color on OFF state
Defines the behavior of the LED when the load is switched off
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0
Setting | Description |
0 | Off |
1 | Red |
2 | Green |
Parameter 22: LED Color on ON state
Defines the behavior of the LED when the load is switched on
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 2
Setting | Description |
0 | Off |
1 | Red |
2 | Green |
Parameter 23: Voltage Report Threshold
Report the voltage when the voltage has changed by more then X * 1 V. When disabled the device will report every 10 minutes regardless of current voltage.
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 100
Setting | Description |
0 | Disabled |
1 - 250 | Volt |
Parameter 24: Current Reporting Threshold
Report the current when the current has changed by more then X *0,01 A. When disabled the device will report every 10 minutes regardless of current change.
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 10
Setting | Description |
0 | Disabled |
1 - 255 | * 0,01 A |
Parameter 25: Power Reporting Threshold
Report the power when the power has changed by more then X Watt. When disabled the device will report every 10 minutes regardless of power consumption change.
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 50
Setting | Description |
0 | Disabled |
1 - 255 | W |
Parameter 26: Soft Circuit Breaker Threshold
When the power draw exceeds the value set in this parameter for a time set in parameter 28 the soft ciruit breaker will disconnect the load.
Size: 2 Byte, Default Value: 3600
Setting | Description |
0 | Disabled |
1 - 3600 | W |
Parameter 27: Soft Circuit Breaker Recovery Time
Once the soft circuit breaker tipps and the load is disconnected the load will be automatically reconneced after X seconds. When disabled the load must be repowered manually or with wireless command.
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0
Setting | Description |
0 | Never |
1 - 255 | sec. |
Parameter 28: Soft Circuit Breaker Delay Time
This delay time defines how fast the soft circuit breaker wil react when the threshold power is exceeded. The power is cut off only if the power draw remains over the threshold level for the defines time.
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 10
Setting | Description |
0 - 255 | * 0,1 sec |
Other solution