The template for the Multi Sensor 6 in the Fibaro HomeCenter 2 is faulty. Proceed as follows to set parameter 41:

1. Go to the advanced settings
2. Remove the check mark at: Use template for parameters

3. Set parameter 41 to the desired value.

For this explanation, we'll describe the input value as 0xAABBCCDD


AA = Byte 1 (unused, left as 00)

BB = Byte 2 (sets the temperature threshold)

CC = Byte 3 (sets the degree scale as °C or °F)

DD = Byte 4 (unused, left as 00)

(0xAABB) The upper 2 bytes set the temperature : 0x000A - 0x007f hexadecimal or 10 - 127 decimal range.
(0xCCDD) The lower 2 bytes set the unit:  0x0100 °C and 0x0200 °F

Example: You want to have the threshold value at 2.0 °C

Part 1: The temperature setting is set by value * 0.1, so the value 2.0 would come from the value 20. To proceed with calculating this, we must convert decimal to hexadecimal which would give the value of 0x14 (you can use any decimal to hexadecimal calculator to confirm this or to generate any value that you want).

In this case, value BB = 14

Part 2: The scale is determined with 1 of 2 values. The value 1 is Celsius (°C) while the value 2 is for Fahrenheit (°F). The value for °C we want is 1.

In this case, value CC = 01 (if we wanted °F, this would be 02).

Part 3: Combine hexadecimal values together.

AA = 00 (this is unused so 00 is used)

BB = 14 (from Part 1)

CC = 01 (from Part 2)

DD = 00 (this is unused so 00 is used)

0x0014 0100 = 1310976 (Decimal value to be set in Home Center 2, use a hexadecimal to decimal converter to generate the correct decimal value)

4. Press save at the right margin
5. Wake up the MultiSensor 6