Door / Window Sensor 

Popp Door Window Sensor was developed to determine the condition of doors or windows via Z-Wave. It is powered by POPP technology and S2 framework. 

The technical specifications of Door- Window Sensor can be viewed at that link.

Familiarize yourself with your Door Window Sensor.

Package contents:

  1. Sensor Unit.
  2. Cover
  3. Big Magnet.
  4. Small Magnet.
  5. Double-Sided Tape large (×2).
  6. Double-Sided Tape small (x2).
  7. Screws (×4).
  8. Dowels( x4).

Important safety information.

Please read this and other device guides carefully. Failure to follow the recommendations set forth by Aeotec Limited may be dangerous or cause a violation of the law. The manufacturer, importer, distributor, and / or reseller will not be held responsible for any loss or damage resulting from not following any instructions in this guide or in other materials.

Keep product and batteries away from open flames and extreme heat. Avoid direct sun light or heat exposure. Always remove all batteries from products that are being stored and not used. Batteries may damage the appliance if they leak. Do not use rechargeable batteries. Ensure correct polarity when inserting the batteries. Improper battery use may damage the product.

Door / Window Sensor is intended for indoor use in dry locations only. Do not use in damp, moist, and / or wet locations.

Contains small parts; keep away from children.  

Quick Start

Pre-Installation of Door / Window Sensor.

  • Open the cover by pressing the clip on the side and pulling the cover upwards.
  •  Insert a fresh 1 * 1/2 AA battery, but pay attention to the polarity

Install your Door / Window Sensor .

The sensor can be mounted either on the moving part or on the fixed part of a door or a window. Mounting can be accomplished either using the tape by peeling off the protection foil or using two screws with the holes inside the battery compartment. If the tilt detection on a window (only normal windows, no roof windows) shall be used the sensor device must be placed on the moving part of the window and the magnet on the window frame. The sensor comes with two types of magnets:

  • The standard magnet covered by plastic part, mountable beside the sensor. Make sure the two indicating lines on sensor enclosure and magnet are opposite to each other. The image on the right hand-side shows the position of magnet and sensor body.
  • A slim "naked" magnet to be mounted behind the sensor in case the sensor body is placed on the side of a window.
  • To use the tilting function, the opening angle of the window must be at least 5° or greater.

For German style windows there the window sits on top of the window frame mounting on the side of the window is highly recommended. If no tilting detection is used, the sensor can be placed on any position of the door or the window. In case tilting detection is desired the sensor should be placed on the upper side of the window.

Adding your Door / Windows Sensor to Z-Wave network.

  1. Set your Z-Wave controller into pairing mode.
  2. Triple click the tamper switch on Door / Window Sensor - this begins to blink five times
  3. After completion of the inclusion, it lights up once before it goes out.
  4. Close the cover

Functions of Door / Window Sensor .


Once installed the sensor will report "open" and "close" status changes to a central Z-Wave controller using notification commands. 

Tilt detection

The tilt detection allows reporting the way a window is opened. This is accomplished using the command class "binary sensor - tilt type". In case the window is closed or opened without tilting the tilt sensor will report "Off". In case the window is tilted a "On" is reported. The angle of inclination of the window must be at least 5°.

Advances functions.

Screw Terminal.

With parameter #1 you can choose between the internal magnet or the external connections.

The product must support interconnection of external sensors as well as actuators and dry-contacts. Product allows interconnection with external sensors/actuators via 4-pin screw terminals with the following pinout:


  • #1: VCC (direct battery supply)
  • #2: Analogue Input (ADC - not used at the moment)
  • #3: Digital Input
  • #4: Ground

VCC + Ground terminals can be used to externally power the sensor. Digital + Ground is used to connect the external dry contact.

Note: Please note that the contact is a normally open contact. Closing the contact sends out an "XXX" command.

Additionally the sensor can directly control other device using the association group 2. Using configuration commands the source of "open" and "close" events can choosen between the internal magnet detector or external dry contact connected via the screw terminal. The device is protected by a tamper switch.

Link testing.

  1. Set Parameter #4 to value #1

  2. Double clicking the Tamper

  3. Result:

    • one times blinking - success

    • three times blinking - failure

Scene Controller.

When activated by configuration parameter #13 the device can perform as a scene controller. The external dry contact will then act as a scene controller with a total of 7 scenes that can be activated:

  1. Contact Pressed 1 time
  2. Contact Pressed 2 time
  3. Contact Pressed 3 time
  4. Contact Pressed 4 time
  5. Contact Pressed 5 time
  6. Contact held down
  7. Contact released

Firmware-Update over the Air.

This device is capable of receiving a new firmware 'over the air'. The update function needs to be supported by the central controller. Once the controller starts the update process, perform the following action to confirm the firmware update:

  1. Wake Up the device by removing the cover. 
  2. The hit the tamper switch once.

Send a wake up notification .

In order to send your sensors new configuration commands from your Z-Wave controller or gateway, it will need to be woken up. 

  1. Wake Up the device by removing the cover. 
  2. The hit the tamper switch once.

Note: Door / Window Sensor 7 remains awake until the housing is closed again.

Remove your Door / Window Sensor 7 from Z-Wave network.

Your sensor can be removed from your Z-Wave network at any time. You'll need to use your Z-Wave network's main controller/gateway. To do this, please refer to the part of your gateways respective manual that tell you how to remove devices from your network. 

  1. Set your Z-Wave controller into unpair mode.
  2. Triple click the tamper switch on Door / Window Sensor 7 within 1.5 seconds - this will cause the LED to blink five times.
  3. After a successful exclusion, it will light up its LED for 2 seconds then deactivate.

Reset your Door / Windows Sensor 7.

This device also allows to be reset without any involvement of a Z-Wave controller. This procedure should only be used when the primary controller is inoperable. 

To manually factory reset:

  1. Remove the cover of Door Window Sensor 7
  2. Press and hold tamper switch for 5 seconds until red LED blinks.
  3. Release the tamper switch
  4. Immediately press and hold the tamper switch for 5 seconds until red LED blinks.

Parameter Configurations.

Parameter 1: Operation Mode.

This parameter allows to switch between internal hall sensor and external input.

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0

0internal hall sensor enabled (external input disabled)
1external input enabled (internal hall sensor disabled)

Parameter 2: Door/Window State.

This parameter allows to set in what state is door/window when the magnet is close to the sensor.

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0

0closed when magnet near
1opened when magnet near

Parameter 3: Visual LED Indications.

This parameter defines events indicated by the visual LED indicator. Disabling events might extend battery life.

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 7, Range: 0 - 7

0no indications
1indication of opening/closing status change
2indication of wake up (1 x click or periodical)
4indication of device tampering

Parameter 4: Range test after double click.

Allows to enable activation of Z-Wave range test with double click of a Tamper Switch 2.

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0


Parameter 5: Group 2 Association Triggers.

Parameter defines events which result in sending On/Off commands to devices added to the 2nd Association Group. These commands are sent alternately to switch the devices On and Off. Commands represent the values of BASIC SET command frames. Parameter is inactive in external dry-contact mode (parameter “Operation Mode” set to 1).

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0

0switch after opening and closing
1switch after opening
2switch after closing

Parameter 6: Commands sent to associated devices on Group 2.

Command frames sent to devices added to the 2nd association group.

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 2

2On and Off

Parameter 7: Values of ON command frame sent to Group 2 Association.

The value of 0 turns OFF the device, 255 turns it On. In case of associating the Dimmer or Roller Shutter module, values

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 255

0 - 99allow to set an Associated device to a specified level (0 is OFF)

Parameter 8: Value of OFF command frame sent to Group 2 Association.

8 1 0-99,255 0 Value of OFF command frame sent to 2nd Association Group

The value of 0 turns OFF the device, 255 turns it On. In case of associating the Dimmer or Roller Shutter module, values.

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0

0 - 99allow to set an associated device to a specified level. (0 is OFF)

Parameter 9: Time Delay of ON command from Group #2.

Time period after which On command frame will be sent.

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0

0 - 32400Time set in seconds

Parameter 10: Time Delay of OFF command from Group #2.

Time period after which OFF command frame will be sent.

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0

0 - 32400Time in seconds

Parameter 11: Delay of tamper alarm cancellation.

Time period after which a tamper alarm will be cancelled.

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0

0 - 32400Time in seconds

Parameter 12: Reporting tamper alarm cancellation.

Reporting cancellation of tamper alarm to the controller and 3rd Association Group.

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 1

0do not send tamper cancellation report
1send tamper cancellation report

Parameter 13: Central Scene Event functionality.

Enable/Disable Central Scene Events.

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0

0Contact Scene Events disabled
1Contact Scene Events enabled

Parameter 14: Tilt Sensor Functionality enable/disable.

Tilt Sensor functionality enable/disable.

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 1

0Tilt Sensor disabled
1Tilt Sensor enabled

Parameter 15: Tilt sensitivity from V1.02 and higher

You can use this parameter to adjust the tilt sensitivity if the tilt is too low or too high.
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 50

1 - 100Tilt sensitivity

Door / Window Sensor technical specifications

Update Door / Window Sensor

German user guide