This solution can be used to determine and improve health of communication between connected devices and AutoPilot™ server. It forms part of a broader guide on managing and using AutoPilot which can be found here.
Access network status
Network status is a screen in AutoPilot server that displays the network health and further network details about this AutoPilot server.
- Select "DEVICES" located a the top of AutoPilot servers interface.
- Select "Network status" located under the devices title.
Network health
Network management can be used to determine the quality of the network and take measures to improve it.
Network health category displays an icon to help you determine the health of communication in the overall use of AutoPilot server.
Network Quality - Shows the quality of the all communication as a percentage.
Start network heath check allows you to determine the network quality. It is highly recommend to run this function over night as it can take several hours.
- Select "Start network health check"
- This option will automatically check AutoPilot servers full network, the more devices connected, the more time this can take.
- Once finished, go back to "DEVICES" page located at the top of AutoPilot server to determine what failed.
Start network update starts a readout of all neighboring connected devices to re-establish the mesh network and optimize AutoPilot server. It is highly recommend to run this function over night as it can take several hours.
- Select "Start network update"
- This option will automatically check AutoPilot servers full network, the more devices connected, the more time this can take.
Controller Info
This section contains important unique identifiers of AutoPilot server.
Controller Node-ID determines where in AutoPilot server that other connected devices communicate to.
Home-ID is a unique identifier that sets what AutoPilot server or other connected devices are part of. This value will change if AutoPilot server is completely factory reset, or added as a secondary device to another controller.
Start learn mode - used to add AutoPilot server as a secondary device to another controller or AutoPilot server.
- On the main controller, set it to connect a device.
- On AutoPilot server, select "Start learn mode".
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