This solution shows you how to create, assign, and delete rooms in Smart Home HubRooms in SmartThings app allow you to organize your connected devices into their individual rooms to easily find them. 

It forms part of a broader guide on managing and using Smart Home Hub which can be found here 

Create a room

Creating rooms allows Smart Home Hub to organize your connected devices into separate sections. This allows you to more easily view where your devices are located and what rooms you want to control.


  1. On the dashboard of SmartThings App, select "Devices" at the bottom menu.
  2. Tap on the Room name (ie. Bedroom).
  3. Tap on Manage rooms.
  4. Tap +
  5. Select either a predefined name (ie. Kitchen, Bedroom 1, Bedroom 2, etc), or create a custom name located at the bottom of the list.
  6. Select a Wallpaper.
  7. Tap on Done.


Assign a device to a room

To make use of your rooms, you can individually assign already connected devices in your Smart Home Hub, or assign them as soon as they are paired.


  1. On the dashboard of SmartThings App, select "Devices" at the bottom menu.
  2. Tap on the 3 dot icon (More Options) at the top right.
  3. You'll now be able to decide if you want to bring in devices into the room or assign those current devices to other rooms.

    Below are the 2 options and their steps.

Bring devices from other rooms.

  1. Tap Bring devices from other rooms.
  2. Tap on the box next to the device you want in that room and do so for all devices that you want in that room.
  3. Tap Add located at the bottom right-hand side.

Move devices to other rooms.

  1. Tap Move devices to other room.
  2. Tap on the box next to the devices that you want to move to other rooms.
  3. Select the room that they move to.
  4. Then press Move at the bottom right corner. 

Edit a room

You can modify the room name and wallpaper at any time you want. You do have the option to delete this room in the available options here. 


  1. On the dashboard of SmartThings App, select "Devices" at the bottom menu.
  2. Tap on the <ROOM> name and select the Room that you want to edit. 
    • Alternatively, swipe left or right to fast swap between rooms. 
  3. Tap on the 3 dot icon (More Options) at the top right.
  4. Select Manage <ROOM> (where <ROOM> will be whatever the name of the room you are on)
  5. You may remove the room, change the room name, or adjust the Wallpaper. 

Delete room

You can choose to delete the room that you've created at any point in time. Any devices assigned to a deleted space will move back to the "Unassigned" room.


  1. On the dashboard of SmartThings App, select "Devices" at the bottom menu.
  2. Scroll right or left to the room you want to edit. 
  3. Tap on the 3 dot icon (More Options) at the top right.
  4. Select Manage <ROOM> (where <ROOM> will be whatever the name of the room you are on)
  5. Tap Remove room.

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