When paired with Aeotec Smart Home Hub and the SmartThings software that the hub uses, WallMote 7 user guide will offer the following features:

  •  Top Button (#1)
    • Pressed
    • Held
    • Double pressed
    • pushed_3x
    • pushed_4x
    • pushed_5x
  • Bottom Button (#2)
    • Pressed
    • Held
    • Double pressed
    • pushed_3x
    • pushed_4x
    • pushed_5x
  • Battery Level

Custom edge driver containing customizable parameter settings available here: Edge Driver guide

Steps to connect WallMote 7 to Aeotec Smart Home Hub (SmartThings).

  1. Open SmartThings
  2. Select "+" located at the top right corner (second icon from the right)
  3. Select "Add Device".
  4. Select "Scan Nearby"
  5. Open the battery cover of your WallMote 7
  6. Now tap the Top or Bottom Button once on WallMote 7.
  7. (If Secure pairing available) Scan the QR code or choose to enter the DSK code (pin code located under the QR barcode)
  8. Now wait about a minute and your device should show up. Feel free to name it as you like. 

Automate with WallMote 7.

You may use any of the sensors on this device to control lighting, switches, dimmers, or other connected devices in your Smart Home Hub.

Method 1 - Quick Automations

  1. Find your WallMote 7 in the list of devices and select it.
  2. Under Button 1 or 2, tap one of the quick automation options.
    • Pressed
    • Held
    • Double pressed
    • pushed_3x
    • pushed_4x
    • pushed_5x
  3. Select what you want the button press and button to do (ie. control a switch on/off, set a specific dim level, etc). 

Method 2 - Use a Custom Automation

  1. Tap Routines
  2. Tap +.
  3. Under IF, tap +.
  4. Tap Device status.
  5. Tap on your WallMote 7.
  6. Select one of the available options to be used in an automation:
    • Central Scene
      • Button 1 (Top)
        • Pressed
        • Held
        • Double pressed
        • 3x Tap
        • 4x Tap
        • 5x Tap
      • Button 2 (Bottom)
        • Pressed
        • Held
        • Double pressed
        • 3x Tap
        • 4x Tap
        • 5x Tap
    • Battery
      • Input a range between 0 - 100 % 
      • Determine if you want it to be
        • When temperature matches
        • When equal or above
        • When equal or below
  7. Tap Done.
  8. Determine if you want it to trigger after a certain amount of time in that state using "Stays this status for how long?"
    • If enabled, enter 1, 5, or 10 minutes, or a customized time frame.
  9. Tap Save.
  10. Tap + under Then.
  11. Select what you want this automation to do based on the condition you set from the WallMote.

How to remove WallMote 7 from Aeotec Smart Home Hub (SmartThings).

These steps can be performed even if WallMote 7 is not yet paired to your Aeotec Smart Home Hub, which forms a great step to perform before you attempt to pair WallMote 7. 

  1. Open SmartThings
  2. Find your hub in the device list, then select it
  3. Tap More Options (3 dot icon) located at the top right corner.
  4. Tap Z-Wave Utilities
  5. Tap General Exclusion
  6. Open the battery cover of your WallMote 7
  7. Now tap the Top or Bottom Button 6x times within 2 seconds on WallMote 7.
  8. SmartThings should confirm that it has removed a device.
  9. Now try the pairing steps at the top again.


1. Having issues pairing your device?

  • Move your Sensor within 4 - 10 ft of your Aeotec Smart Home Hub, its possible that it is too far.
  • Remove power from Aeotec Smart Home Hub for 6 minutes, then power it up again.
  • Remove power from WallMote 7 for 1 minute, then power it up again.
  • Try factory resetting or excluding your WallMote 7.
    • Exclude first in case the device actually paired to your hub otherwise it will leave a phantom device in your network that will be difficult to remove.
    • Perform a manual factory reset
      1. Remove the cover of your WallMote 7
      2. Press and hold the Top or Bottom Button for 20 seconds on WallMote 7.
      3. Release when the LED becomes solid blue at 20 seconds.
      4. If successful, the LED should fade its LED blue in and out for at least 10 seconds to indicate it is ready to be paired.

2. WallMote 7 showing up as a generic device?

  1. Check if SmartThings picked up all of the correct information, follow the below steps to check:
  2. Login to: my.smartthings.com
  3. Click on the 3 dot icon (top right)
  4. Click Advanced User
  5. Click Devices
  6. Click on the name of your Device
    • If Manufacturer Code shows 0000-0000-0000 then this sensor will need to be excluded/removed, and then paired again.