Hubitat may not automatically use the correct driver for your TriSensor 8 when it is initially connected. This guide will lead you through connecting your TriSensor 8 to your Hubitat hub and will feature:

  • Motion
  • Temperature
  • Illuminance
  • Battery

Install the driver first:

  1. Login to your Hubitat hub interface.
  2. On the left, select "Driver code"
  3. At the top right, select "+ New driver"
  4. Open the text file containing the code: TriSensor 8 Driver Code
  5. Copy all lines of code from top to bottom, then paste the code into the New Drivers code box in Hubitat
  6. Save the driver.

Steps to connect TriSensor 8 to Hubitat.

  1. Open your Hubitat interface.
  2. Click on Devices.
  3. Click on Discover Devices.
  4. Click on Z-Wave.
  5. Click on Start Z-Wave Inclusion.
  6. Now quickly 3x tap the Action Button on TriSensor 8.
  7. A device box should appear almost immediately, give it about 10 seconds to initialize, feel free to name your device and save this.
  8. Go to your TriSensor 8 device page - your TriSensor 8 should automatically use the newly installed driver if you have installed the TriSensor 8 driver before performing the pairing steps. 

How to remove or factory reset TriSensor 8 from Hubitat.

  1. Open your Hubitat interface.
  2. Click on Devices.
  3. Click on Discover Devices.
  4. Click on Z-Wave.
  5. Click on Start Z-Wave Exclusion.
  6. Now quickly 3x tap the Action Button on TriSensor 8.
  7. Your Hubitat should tell you if it excluded an unknown device or a specific sensor if it was paired properly previously.


Having issues pairing your device?

  • Move your Sensor within 4 - 10 ft of your Hubitat Z-Wave network.
  • Remove power from TriSensor 8 for 1 minute, then power it up again.
  • Try factory resetting or removing your TriSensor 8.
    • Remove / Factory Reset first in case the device is paired to Hubitat otherwise, it will leave a phantom device in your network that will be difficult to remove.
    • Perform a manual factory reset - only do this if you are not able to perform the removal steps above.
      1. Press and hold the Action Button for 12+ seconds, we recommend holding it longer than 12 seconds just in case. Once you release the button, the LED will flash red/green upon a successful manual factory reset.