Every Aeotec product has 2 separate release dates;

  1. the date we release it to OEM partners who rebrand our devices. This is the date we typically list on Aeotec.com.
  2. the date we release our products for retail partners

It's likely the 2nd release date you're interested in - i.e. when can you buy the product in store or online?

The short answer is: when Z-Wave gateways support it. Given the nature of Z-Wave, any special and advanced features of any device need to be integrated into each gateway makers’ software and new firmware released by them. As such, we can't pre-announce formal release dates for the general release of any Aeotec device - we simply don't know the schedule of gateway makers' integration efforts.

When we release any device we'll do two things;

  1. Update the product listing to include links where to buy it
  2. Send out a newsletter alerting you to the release. If you haven’t done so already, you can sign up for those newsletter alerts here.