This solution explains which setting options you have with your device and how to perform them in AutoPilot server. It forms part of a broader guide on managing and using AutoPilot which can be found here 

Access device settings on any connected device

Using these steps will take you to the possible configurations that you can perform over any single AutoPilot connected devices.


1. In AutoPilot server, select "DEVICES" in the topmost menu.

2. Select the Device that you want to configure its settings.

3. Select Settings.

Configurable device settings


This text box allow you to modify the name of your connected device, changing this name will reflect how it shows up in your Dashboard, Device Settings page, and any spaces that it is located in.

Assigned space

Space - This drop down menu moves this connected device into any space that you have created. Changing the space will send all widgets of this device to the selected space.

Installed in entrance way - This checkbox determines if your device is installed in an entrance way in a space.

Device Information

The device info shows all supported commands and important information related to the connected device. This screen is great for debugging if any problems happened when connecting your device.

We'll note the most important pieces of information in this page:

Application version - This is the firmware version of the selected Z-Wave device.

SDK version - This is the Z-Wave SDK that is used in the development of the selected Z-Wave device.

Command Classes - This page can be expanded using the blue arrow on the right side of this row. This will show all command classes this device supports from Z-Wave which determines what kind of device it is and what controls are allowed.

Security interview - This determines if the Z-Wave device was paired using no security, S0 security, or S2 security.

Interview - This shows the success percentage of the command class interview, this can indicate some error if it is not 100%, but if a Z-Wave device supports security but was paired using no security, the secure command classes will fail which is not a problem for the overall use of the Z-Wave device.

These buttons can help you re-interview the Z-Wave device in the case that it was not 100% interviewed: 

Force Interview allows AutoPilot server to retrieve the device classes again if there were any issues.

Request node information queries all possible commands of the connected device.

Expandable settings

Expandable settings are hide all of their available options to give you easier access to them. Clicking on one of the expandable settings will show you more information and further control.

Widget Setting

The widget settings allow you to remove or allow widgets to show up in its spaces. This option is great to remove widgets that are not used much or not at all in AutoPilot server. 

Checking a box will allow the widget to appear in your spaces.

Unchecking a box will cause that widget to disappear from the space it is assigned to. You can always check the box again to bring the widget back.


Association determines where your connected device communicates its information to. Typically upon connecting your device, association #1 is set to AutoPilot server. This allows that device to communicate all its primary controls to AutoPilot server.

Association #2 and onwards are custom settings that allows a device to bypass controls to have a device directly communicate with another device without having AutoPilot drive the communication. Not all devices have custom association settings.

Detailed information on association is provided in a separate solution: AutoPilot - Device association.


Advanced options

This solution gives a brief summary of each advanced options available in the Device settings menu. Each advanced option give you a more in-depth access to your connected device. Each option will direct you to a separate page than device settings.

Hardware configuration

This setting allows the parameter configuration of the device. How to parameterize devices is shown in a separate solution:  AutoPilot - Device parameter settings

Expert command

This page allows you to view all commands supported by a connected device individually, and access debug controls to control or update a specific part of that device.

Note: Only use this if you are familiar with the individual command classes.

Firmware update

If your device needs to be firmware updated to add or support a specific function, you can use the over the air (OTA) firmware update page.

You can access the solutions page for firmware updating a connected device here: AutoPilot - Device firmware update.


The remove option allows you to remove the connected device from AutoPilot server.

How to do this is described in a separate solution. AutoPilot - Device management

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