These instructions will guide you to using Aeotec Smart Outlet with Home Assistant. This will first require the installation of SmartThings app and Aeotec Smart Outlet before you can fully import Aeotec Smart Outlet into Home Assistant.

Make sure to setup Aeotec Smart Outlet with SmartThings first. You can find those initial steps here: Smart Outlet User Guide

This guide is based off of extended instructions for integrating SmartThings into Home Assistant - Integrating SmartThings into Home Assistant

Token Setup in SmartThings

To obtain access, you'll first need an API token from your SmartThings account - this is the first necessary step if you do not already have a token from SmartThings.

  1. Open this page - Create Token.
  2. Login SmartThings.
  3. Create a new token by clicking on "Create new token".
  4. Give the token the name HomeAssistant (or anything other name you'd like).
  5. Select all fields under:
    • Devices (all)
    • Installed Applications (all)
    • Apps (all)
    • Locations (all)
    • Scenes (all)
    • Schedules (all)
  6. Confirm your selection with "Create token".
  7. Make a note of the token you have created - if you lose it, you can always create a new token if you forgot to save it.

Setup Home Assistant

  1. Open Home Assistant.
  2. Change under Setup -> Home Assistant Cloud.
  3. Enter your cloud access data.
    • If no cloud access is available, this can be set up for a fee or you can use another method for cloud access.  Setup Remote access
  4. Confirm with Login.
  5. Change to Setup -> Devices & Services.
  6. Press + Add Integration.
  7. Choose Smartthings. 
  8. Confirm with Send.
  9. Enter the Smartthing token.
  10. Confirm with Send.
  11. Login to Smartthings.
  12. If several locations are available, select the location where the switch was added to.
  13. Enter a name and confirm with done.
  14. Confirm the connection with allow.
  15. Now assign the device to a room.
  16. Close the window by selecting finish.